20/04/2012 Ivestiture of HSH Emanuel, Erbprinz von Salm-Salm as a Grand Cross of Justice / Royal Deputation
The investiture of HSH Emanuel, Erbprinz von Salm-Salm as a Grand Cross of Justice. Prince Emanuel is Grand-Master of the German Catholic Historic
Guilds (Bund der Historischen Deutschen Schützenbruderschaften, with 400,000 members), a Member of the ethics committee of the German association of the Order of Malta (of which he is a knight of Honour and Devotion), a member of the Union of Catholic Apostolate (Unione Apostolatus Catholici, UAC), a Board member of the association of the mediatized Houses (Vorstandsmitglied im Verein der Deutschen Standesherren), and a Member of the German Adelsrechts- ausschuss (Mitglied des Adelsrechtsausschußes), among other organisations.
Prince Emanuel is a cousin of the Infante D. Carlos through his great-grandmother, Archduchess Maria Cristina, whose sister Archduchess Maria Anna was the Infante's grandmother. Infante D. Carlos's great-grandmother on his mother's side was Princess Eleonore of Salm-Salm (1842-1891).

From left to right Duke Diego de Vargas Machuca (President of th Italian Commission), Guy Stair Sainty (Vice-Grand Chancellor), HRH the Duke of Noto (Grand Prefect), Prince Emanuel, Cardinal Re, Ambassador Carlos Abella (Grand Chancellor), Baron Emanuele Emmanuele (Grand Treasurer) and reading the diploma D. Amadeo Martin Rey y Cabieses (Vice-Grand Auditor). [He only appears on one photo].