With deep feeling of sadness we are in the duty of announcing the death, the past day 28 of March of 2017, at the 13:30 hours of the afternoon, of His Royal Highness the Infanta Alice of Bourbon-Parma and Austria, Duchess Dowager of Calabria, Infanta of Spain and Princess of Parma. Dona Alicia, who turned 99 last November, received the Holy Sacraments and died surrounded by her Family, after a brief illness that she accepted with calm resignation and firmness of mind. Dona Alicia was the longest-lived princess in Europe and the oldest Lady of the Constantinian Order of Sant George: wife, mother and grandmother of 3 successive Great Masters of our Sacred Militia.
Three masses corpore insepulto, with a picket of honor of the Royal Guard guarding the body of His Royal Highness were celebrated. The first and second masses, held on March 28 at 8:00 p.m. and on March 29 at 1:00 p.m., were attended by SSMM. The Kings Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía of Spain. SSMM. The Kings of Spain, Don Felipe VI and Doña Letizia, attended the Mass on March 29 at 7:00 p.m.
To the offices of present body were attended outstanding personalities of the Royalty, the Nobility and the Spanish and International Society.
In the coming weeks, the date, time and place of the Solemn Funeral will be informed by the eternal rest of the Soul of His Royal Highness.
Please keep it in your prayers.
Rest in peace.
Con profundo sentimiento de tristeza nos vemos en el deber de anunciar el fallecimiento, el pasado día 28 de marzo de 2017 a las 13:30 h de la tarde de Su Alteza Real la Srma. Sra.Infanta Dona Alicia de Borbon-Parma y Austria, Duquesa de Calabria, Infanta de Espana y princesa de Parma. Dona Alicia, que cumplio 99 años el pasado mes de noviembre, recibio los Santos Sacramentos y murio rodeada de su Familia, tras una breve enfermedad que acepto con serena resignacion y firmeza de espíritu Dona Alicia era la princesa mas longeva de Europa y la mas antigua Dama de la Orden Constantiniana, esposa, madre y abuela de 3 sucesivos Grandes Maestres de nuestra Sacra Milicia.
Se celebraron tres misas corpore insepulto, con un piquete de honor de la Guardia Real custodiando el cuerpo de Su Alteza Real. A la primera y segunda misa, celebradas el día 28 de marzo a las 20:00 h y el 29 de marzo a las 13:00 h, asistieron SSMM. Los Reyes Don Juan Carlos y Dona Sofía de Espana. SSMM. Los Reyes de Espana, Don Felipe VI y Dona Letizia, asistieron a la misa del día 29 de marzo a las 19:00 h.
A los oficios de cuerpo presente asistieron destacadas personalidades de la Realeza, la Nobleza y la Sociedad Espanola e Internacional.
En las proximas semanas se informara sobre la fecha, hora y lugar del Funeral Solemne por el eterno descanso del Alma de Su Alteza Real.
Rogamos la tengais presente en vuestras oraciones.
Descanse en Paz.