12/11/2015 A second funeral Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Rio Martin, Military Ordinary and Archbishop Castrense,for the sound of the late Infante Don Carlos, Duke of Calabria in the Basilica of San Lorenzo de Escorial
08/10/2015 Prince Don Jaime, Duke of Noto, formerly Duke of Capua, is the new heir to the Headship of the Royal House
05-08/10/2015 Death and funerals of HRH Don Carlos
26/03/2015 HRH the Infante Don Carlos, Duke of Calabria, attended the first meeting of the Fondena, of which he remains President, in the new offices of HM King Juan Carlos in the Royal Palace, Madrid
06/05/2014 HM King Juan Carlos I of Spain has appointed HRH Don Pedro de Borbón-Dos Sicilias y Orléans, Duque de Noto, as President of the Royal Council of the four Military Orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara and Montesa
25/01/2014 (Naples) Beatification of the Venerable Servant of God Maria Cristina of Savoy
06/05/2013 HRH the Infante Don Carlos, Duke of Calabria, Head of the Royal House of the Two Sicilies, has been pleased to confer the title of Duke of Capua (Duca di Capua) on his eldest grandson, HRH Prince Don Jaime of the Two Sicilies, in a decree dated 6 May 2013
16/01/2013 Today is the Seventy-Fifth Birthday of His Royal Highness the Infante de España Don Carlos Maria Alfonso de Borbón-Dos Sicilias y Borbón-Parma, Duke of Calabria, Count of Caserta, Head of the Royal House of the Two Sicilies
14/11/2012 El duque de Calabria se recupera de un ictus
25/10/2012 (Madrid) Investidura de nuevos Caballeros y Damas en la Orden Constantiniana de San Jorge 2012
04/10/2012 (San Francisco) El Infante Don Carlos de Borbón-Dos Sicilias, Colegiado de Honor
12/07/2012 HM the King, high patron, accords an audience to HRH the Infante Don Carlos de Borbón-Dos Sicilias y Borbón-Parma, President of the Spanish Foundation Committee of the United World College, along with members of the committee of patronage and alumni
11/05/2012 Reunión anual de las cinco Reales Maestranzas de Caballería
22/04/2012 (Noto) Visita in Sicilia, di S.A.R. il Duca di Noto don Pedro di Borbone Due Sicilie e Borbone Orléan
21/04/2012 (Vatican) Investiture of His Eminence Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re, as a Bailiff Grand Cross of Justice of the Order
20/04/2012 Ivestiture of HSH Emanuel, Erbprinz von Salm-Salm as a Grand Cross of Justice / Royal Deputation
18/01/2012 El primo 'enfermo' del Rey reaparece en la corte
29/11/2011 Letter of Joseph Saiz Meneses (Presidente de la Comision Episcopal) to S.A.R. el infante D. Carlos, Duque de Calabri
16/07/2011 (Vienna) The funeral of HIRH Archduke Otto, first cousin of the Infante Alicia, Duchess of Calabria and knight of San Gennaro
25/06/2011 (Sevilla) Benjunes toma posesión como hermano mayor de la Real Maestraza de Sevilla
09/04/2011 Nace el sexto hijo de Pedro de Borbón-Dos Sicilias, sobrino del Rey
07/03/2011 Recepción al infante don Carlos de Borbón-Dos Sicilias
2010 HRH the Infante Don Carlos and his family were received in private audiemce by His Holiness, Pope Bebedikt XVI
18/11/2010 HRH the Infante Don Carlos is President of the Council of the four Military Orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara and Montesa
04/11/2010 HRH the Grand Master, accompagnied by HRH the Duchess of Calabria, investing HRH Prince D. Jaime of Bourbon-Two Sicilies with the insigna of Grand Cross of Justice
06/10/2010 (Roma) SAR el príncipe don Pedro de Borbón-Dos Sicilias, duque de Noto, Baylío Gran Cruz de Honor y Devoción de la Soberana Orden Militar de Malta
12/05/2010 (Madrid) El Infante Don Carlos, Duque de Calabria, impone las insignias de la Orden Constantiniana a la Duquesa de Noto, a su yerno Markos Nomikos, a los Arzobispos de Valencia y Oviedo, y al Obispo de Ibiza
06/02/2010 El infante don Carlos inaugura las nuevas instalaciones del Colegio Mayor Marqués de la Ensenada
18/04/2009 (Madrid) Infante signs accord as president of the United World College
27/03/2009 Don Carlos de Borbón Dos Sicilias visita Almagro
06/02/2009 (Madrid) Los Duques de Calabria a la sede de la Conferencia Episcopal
25/11/2008 TRH Duke and Duches of Clabria attend the installation of the Cardinal Primate of Spain to the Spanish Royal Academy of History
21/06/2008 El Infante Don Carlos presidirá el IV Refrendo de Hermanamiento de la Orden de Alcántara
20/01/2008 HRH The Duke of Calabria at the funeral of HRH George Bagration, Head of the Royal House of Georgia
16/01/2008 HRH Infante Don Carlos, The head of the House, celebrated the 70th anniversary on january 16th 2008
09/01/2008 TRH Infante Don Carlos, Duke of Calabria and Doña Ana de Orléans, Duchess of Calabria, attend the 70th birthday of HM King Juan Carlos
26/12/2007 HIRH Prince Dom Pedro-Gastâo of Orleans-Bragança died aged 94
14-15/12/2007 (London) Conference: Monarchy and Exile
13/11/2007 90th birthday of Infanta D. Alicia, Princess of Bourbon-Parma, Dowager Duchess of Calabria
15/07/2007 TRH the Infante Don Carlos and Doña Ana, Duke and Duchess of Calabria, attend the baptism of HRH Infante Doña Sofia
11/07/2007 El Rey Juan Carlos preside reunión Patronato Fondena que trató sobre presupuestos y premio
07/2007 TRH the Duke and Duchess of Calabria presented to HH the Pope Benedict XVI
2007 HRH the Infante D. Carlos awarded the XI bi-annual International Prize Puente de Alcántara
08-09/07/2006 TRH the Infante Don Carlos and Doña Ana de Orléans, Duke and Duchess of Calabria, along with TM the King and Queen and other members of the Spanish royal family, attend the functions surrounding the visit of his Holiness Pope Benedict XV
14/01/2006 TRH the Infante Don Carlos and Doña Ana, Duke and Duchess of Calabria, and Infanta Doña Alicia, Dowager Duchess of Calabria, attend the baptism of Infanta Doña Leonor
01/12/2005 Birth of a daughter to HRH Princess Christina
25/11/2005 Audience granted by HM the King to HRH the Infante Don Carlos, President of the Council of the four Military Orders, along with the members of the Council, at which HM signed the decree by which the brotherhood of the four Military Orders was associated directly with the Guardia Real, as part of the Military Household of the King
08/08/2005 HIRH Princess Doña Esperanza de Borbón-Dos Sicilias y Orleáns died
24/05/2005 HRH Princess Ferdinand of the Two Sicilies died
19/04/2005 H.E. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger elected Pope Benedict XVI
02/04/2005 His Holiness Pope John Paul II has died
28/02/2005 Papal audience for the Infante D. Carlos and his family
06/09/2003 Birth of a daughter to HRH Princess Ines
03-05/05/2003 Visit of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to Spain
18/04/2003 Birth of second son to the Duke of Noto
25/07/2002 Appointments To The Order Of Saint Januarius
14/02/2002 EL CONFLICTIVO MATRIMONIO DE LA PRINCESA DE ASTURIAS EN 1901 / Conferencia pronunciada por don José Luis Sampedro Escolar, Numerario de la Real Academia matritense de Heráldica y Genealogía, el día 14 de febrero de 2002 en el Salón de Actos del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
2002 Archduke Otto Appointed Knights Of Saint Januarius
13/10/2001 (Toledo) Marriage Of Princess Ines
27/02/2001 Conferral Of The Grand Cross Of The Aztec Eagle On HRH The Infante D. Carlos, Duke of Calabria
>>> The condolence letter of HRH Infanted D. Carlos, Duke of Calabria to the Lieutenant of The Grand Magistery of the Sovereign Order of Malata
28/09/1993 Appointment of the duke of Calabria as president of the Patronato of the Naval Museum