Detailed Analysis
Documents and Texts
The Duchess of Calabria
Princess Cristina
Princess Maria
The Duke of Noto
Princess Ines
Princess Victoria
Special Documents

Basi della Costituzione di Sicilia del 1812
Pragmatic Decree (1759)
Costituzione del Regno delle Due Sicilie (1820)
Costituzione del Regno delle Due Sicilie (1848)
Statuto Fondamentale Del Regno Di Sicilia Decretato Il Giorno 10 Luglio 1848 Dal Generale Parlamento
Atto Costituzionale di Gaeta per La Sicilia (1849)
Decree nominating HRH Don Carlos the Infante of Spain (1994)
Letter of Protest from the Prince of Cassaro, Neapolitan Ambassador in Madrid, to the Spanish Secretary of State, against the Promulgation of the Pragmatic Sanction of 1830
Letter Of Protest From King Francis I Of The Two Sicilies To King Ferdinand VII Of Spain
Formal Protest Made By Ferdinand II Of The Two Sicilies Against The Re-Promulgation Of The Pragmatic Sanction Of 1830
Letter Of Protest From The Neapolitan Chargé D'affaires In Madrid To The Spanish Secretary Of State Against The Promulgation Of The Pragmatic Sanction Of 1830, Dated 26 Sep 1830
España y Las Órdenes Dinásticas del Reino de Las Dos Sicilias (una peculiaridad institucional histórico-jurídica) - Exc,mo Sr Dr D. Alfonso Ceballos-Escalera y Gila, Marques de la Floresta, Cronista de Armas de Castilla y Leon
Promemoria of the Constantinian Order
Conflictivo matrimonio [545 KB]


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